Pastor Patrick Warren Sr. | Gone after a Mental Health Call to Police

This time police can kill a preacher that was having a psychotic episode. He was unarmed and black-white people beat police officers at the capitol killed police and nothing. When we talk about defund police it means to use some funds so a social worker can come out and convince him to have mental health assessment how much longer do we have to put up with being shot by the slave patrol. Police run from white people we can see that and they play scared of black people, so there should be no white cops policing black people if you are scared of them. You should have to live around the black people so they know the neighborhood. Police might know who the bad guys are. It is so much money made with slave patrol. Maybe all prisons should be in neighborhoods they serve not in little small towns. At least let us make a living off our pain. Maybe if a prisoner could see your family through the window you might be more likely to change your life. Maybe police reform and black people are not animals is the answer all I know is we live in two different Americas. One black and one white we got a long way to go.

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