Passing the Baton to Generation Z

Relay race. Concept of teamwork. working together of business. Vector illustration

My life changed in 1998. I was only 12 years old. I was devastated by the loss of my great aunt Cecelia West Berry. Before she moved along to the next stages of her existence, she challenged me to do unto others in the same ways she had done unto me.

I accepted her challenge. I committed my life to being an expansion of her life. She is a tough act to follow. I can only try my best to be as brilliant as she was with keeping her family together. She was an amazing chef. She used her excellent dishes to bring people together. An opportunity for us to break bread and fellowship. She had a big heart and was very kind. She enjoyed spending time with her loved ones, and nothing else in the world was as important to her.

She became a spiritual mother to me. Unfortunately, she could not bear her own children. So, I became one of her spiritual sons. After I learned about this, I began to question life. How could someone so loving not be able to start a family of her own? Why is the earth missing out on this great opportunity? I still do not have an answer for these questions. I can only express my gratitude and appreciation for everything she has done to improve my life.

I didn’t see it coming. I spent a lot of time at her house during her final days. I was aware that she had been going to get treatment for some routine challenges that are common with people as they get older. I was not alarmed by this. However, one day we had a conversation and it felt like it was going to be the last one we ever had together. This is when the challenge was laid out, and it was up to me to be brave and loving in order to make such a commitment.

We had an intense spiritual connection. I could feel it when she was no longer here. I was at baseball practice in the hitter’s circle. We were playing a scrimmage game and I was potentially the last batter. After a few practice swings something changed in my body. I knew that she was gone. My mind went to a different place. I wanted to go home and be with my family, I didn’t care about anything else. I remember stepping up to the plate and not swinging in order for the game to end as quickly as possible. I made it home and no one was there. When my family returned, they were devastated, and they attempted to break the news to me but I told them I already knew.

Over the next couple of years, I thought heavily about the commitment. In 2000, I got a new baby cousin. I was somewhat afraid because I knew that my commitment needed to start at this moment. It was now time for me to inspire Generation Z.

I became a mentor for my cousin throughout her life. I wasn’t aware at the time, but my high school and college years became a blueprint for her to follow. She did everything the way that I did and was successful academically and in her extracurricular activities. She is now a senior in college studying health sciences, nursing and pre-pharmacy. Her sister is a freshman studying health sciences and pre-law. And their baby sister is a senior in high school who plans to become a dietician. We also have two more babies who are smart and talented; I can’t wait to see how far they will go.

I look forward to seeing them develop.It is my hope that Generation Z will now take the baton and help the future generation. I hope my story will encourage you to do the same.  

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