Panels gets heated over race and Trump’s immigration rhetoric: Nina Turner nailed 2 year ago. Race in America

This is a real conversation they needed to have but some people did not see it, because it was not clear. George Floyd opened the eye of America but now this COVID 19 changed the course of America.  People think everyone gets it, it is not in the news anymore but unarmed people are still being killed. The Riot at the capitol was about race not country.  This conversation was on point and 2 years later 74 million  voted for a racist and they are still supporting him today. Now we have a new administration, we have to make sure the house and senate we control period. Nothing will get done you can not work with these people they still love Trump after killing 417,000 Americans mostly black and brown. People don’t care so much about diversity and it is hard to deal with but she nailed it. Now we’re two years later with new president and some hope.

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