Outrage after John Wayne’s old interview resurfaces and Public Enemy tried to tell us way back: Oklahoma Bombing rivisted

Fight the power public enemy

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This is what many people thought back then and some right now, racism is real and it is not going anywhere soon. This is Trump’s base and they would still die for him-period. The Capitol riot proved that. So Republicans have to kiss Trump’s ring. Because they want his base and 56% of them want him to be their president he has a lot of power. That is why they turned back to his side and are going to visit him.  His followers are going to do something bad that will cause a lot of people to die. It is coming soon. It’s just a matter of time when some homegrown terrorist causes great destruction of our Democracy they just gotta find the right one again like the Oklahoma Bombing. There is a sick Trump following, waiting to do something like this. My point is here, don’t take his name off an airport just fix racism that is the answer. If you know the next bomber turn him in; it is not going to change anything. Every hate organization should be responsible for this mess, not just one person.


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