Oprah was a Prisoner of Her Own Past | Oprah Winfrey Documentary | Goalcast: Oprah has a half sister. Oprah and Gayle owe us an apology in the black community. Frank Sinatra My way song;

Since Kobe died with his daughter and Gayle King tried to kill this man’s legacy. I have watched them go after black men. I know her history of abuse, it has something to do with that. I watched her turn her back on Monique and Fantasia. And she tried to kill Micheal Jackson Legacy with men who lied on him. Men that were dating his family. Money was the only thing they wanted. She went after Russel Simmons and I knew then she did not like black people. She once said she did not want to be black, She would have rather been white. Diamonds come out of pressure her abuse, her mom, her life before she became Oprah was the ingredient That makes her who she is. I am not friends with her I was a huge fan of her most of my life. I thought her life was charmed.

When you find love within no matter what you look like, it doesn’t matter, look inside your self and be glad you have breath in your body. God made you perfect and don’t let anyone tear you down. They are empty vessels when that happened when Gayle King did that to Kobe I was outraged and I applauded Snoop dog for his words. The city was mourning Kobe and GiGi’s death because a man who transformed his life who loved his family with all that he had was gone. It is so hard for black men to be seen as anything other than thugs, rapists, criminals. White men commit just as many crimes as black men. If they did not we would have no white men in jail. Truth be told they have better lawyers is all. They have access to good counsel. So it is time for me to forgive Oprah and Gayle. They have gotta want to be black and not allow the racist system to use them like they use Candace Owens. Oprah and Gayle are two wounded people who have money and fame don’t let that separate you from your people. You could not get an Italian to say one word About Frank Sinatra he was their treasure like Kobe and Micheal was to the black community. Gayle and Oprah hold a tremendous amount of power with older black Americans they need to use it wisely. Don’t contribute two the teardown of black people wrong or not. Gayle and Oprah have just as much or more power than the movie Birth of Nation they can cause great harm. Let the white people do the dirty interviews forget the ratings all black people want from you two is for you to be fair. It took Goal Cast to humanize Oprah. I wanted to give Oprah and Gayle to the white community. I wanted Jane Elliot instead. Oprah did a wonderful thing letting pat into her life, she gets mad praise for that her fame and wealth could have prevented the meeting and now the relationship has formed. Oprah did it her way. Forgiveness is key! That is all I have to say!

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