On the Rocks

on the rocks feature

on the rocks feature

Sofia Coppola’s newest film has a third star New York City

On the Rocks stars Rashida Jones and Bill Murray in a modern day father/daughter story.

Source: indiewire.com

On the Rocks starring Rashida Jones, Bill Murray, Marlon Wayans and directed by Sofia Coppola is a stunning reminder of how Manhattan used to be before the pandemic hit. Each scene warms the heart, a look into the past with the bustling neighborhoods, famous bars and restaurants filled with people the energy of the city that makes your skin tingle and pulsates through your veins.

The story of On the Rocks isn’t as a cheesy romance, but it did make my heart flutter seeing my hometown full of life and oozing character.

Written by Coppola, On the Rocks, is about Laura Keane (Rashida Jones) who is starting to feel rejected by husband Dean (Marlon Wayans). It doesn’t help the fact one night he comes home drunk, makes out with his wife but then pulls away in disgust.

Laura’s father Felix (Bill Murray) believes Dean is cheating on his daughter and sets about to prove his theory correct and plants a lot of doubt in Laura’s mind about the fidelity of her marriage.

This is a beautifully shot film that as mentioned previously highlights so many gorgeous aspects of New York City. The night joyride around midtown in a classic convertible, a martini at an old school restaurant with red leather booths, a trendy SoHo loft, everything that is a cliche of New York but now greatly missed as we are all locked indoors and many famed places closed.

Directed by Coppola this film isn’t like any of her previous works. On the Rocks is a unique take on a father/daughter relationship very much in the 21st century where everything is openly discussed, including why the father cheated on the mother and sexual conquests of the father over the years. Not something you would expect a father to openly discuss with his daughter.

What is charming about this film is the underlying love Felix has for his daughter Laura and the lengths he goes to protect her from men like himself. But also there is a nice twist at the end that does make this a modern day take on a romance genre.

Rashida Jones as Laura is a great performance to watch on screen. It is real. At no moment do you feel you are watching an actor playing a role, there are moments where you feel it is almost real life.

How can you not like Bill Murray playing Felix?? He is absolutely fantastic. He comes across as an aged playboy but it is a joy on screen. He knows everyone and isn’t ashamed to use his influence to try and help his daughter. An endearing and fun performance by Bill Murray.

I have gushed enough at how much I enjoyed seeing Manhattan feature so prominently in this film. It was just such a nice surprise to see everything you loved about New York City appear before your eyes.

On the Rocks is an interesting take on a person’s perception of their marriage and how quickly it can change when being fed stories by a convincing third party and how it makes someone question the love they have for their partner.

On the Rocks is currently playing on Apple+

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