White people think they are above black and brown people and they are; Look at Breonna Taylor. The only mistake is this black man touching a white woman, He might be in trouble. The police officer might lose his job because he is black. This is the damn reason covid is running rampant in our country because these Trump supporters don’t want to wear masks. It is clear that some white people are only interested in what is good for them. Not Considering black and brown people and people in nursing homes. This mess is real. If you are white and a Trump supporter he lied to you this covid is not going away. We had no leadership he just wanted to go golfing. He wanted to do rallies. Well, the least is Trump will be out of office in January. Notice she is not dead if she was black and he was a white officer she would be dead.
Ohio woman arrested and tased at a football game for not wearing a mask. It is about saving lives.