Off-duty Cops Uses Badges To Infiltrate US Capitol: A Man Arrested for Guns and Explanation

This is a major problem in our culture, now it is said that police and military people were apart of this takeover. America has a problem with racism and the police and the military. We need to be one country and we are not. People of color and majority-white people are afraid our country will not be white. Trump won because a black man won the election and served for eight years. Our country is in trouble. Black people know that police are the problem. Now that abusing police power is why they are in the Capitol. Stopping the steal rally was a horrible decision that Trump made and he did nothing for Covid 19 and 400,000 dead Americans. If a bomb was dropped on a city we can not have more casualties of Americans. Trump is a religious figure, he is their God and they listen to him because of his power. In 2016 democrats were upset by-election, we marched and got voter registration and 4 years later we have a new president. The problem like everything in this country is the majority of Republicans want to conserve and keep power. And this is the real deal they don’t care about equal rights under the law. This is how blacks got into this problem from Democrats. Yes, gangs were bad and older people could no longer sit on the front porch. Something had to be done. Jobs and opportunities are what we needed then and what we needed now. May the peace of God be with us. I hope others in America can see what black people have been dealing with inside a sick system of oppression.
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