An Art Call

New York MAINTENANT 16 will feature DADA work on the theme of NYET ZERO

The NET ZERO is a reference to steps being taken to combat climate change. It is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. At this time, NET ZERO is an ambition „lacking absolute definition as corporate energy titans pledge distant adherence without clear or immediate commitments to act.“ In fact, the newest technology can not remove the layer of hot air greenhouse gases spewing out in the air. Carbon dioxide emissions are the first and always driver of global climate change. It’s widely recognized as the worst bad impact of climate change. There is a need to urgently reduce emissions. How this problem is shared in the world, between regions, countries, and individuals has raised an endless international discussion. The debate arises from various points of view, but the fact is that the emissions are compared, as annual emissions by country to country, and all this is adjusted to traded goods and services, no matter if the metrics actually tell very different stories. Various analysis shows that people can accurately identify the causes of climate change and that we can all expect bad consequences from it. The government anti-fossil fuel initiatives and voluntary actions pull the economic circumstances and anxieties, but are those important predictors? The environmental protection efforts do not threaten jobs or limit personal freedoms, and hurt the economy, at least not yet.

But if you an artist out there, from anywhere in the world, there is a call for you. NYET ZERO, the project  MAINTENANT 16  is looking for DADA artwork, in the form of original art, poetry, and writing aimed to expose the problems. „We can change the now with art and thought, otherwise, the future has no POTENTIAL“.What and who is in control of all the energy resources? No one really knows. In such cases, art becomes a necessity! Or according to the artist’s Dada Manifesto, “Dada Dada Dada, a roaring of tense colors, and interlacing of opposites and of all contradictions, grotesques, inconsistencies: LIFE!”

MAINTENANT 16: A Journal of Contemporary DADA Writing and Art, accepts DADA paintings, collages, word art, and poetry up to 25 lines in length. International artists and writers are particularly encouraged to submit work. The deadline is the 1st of March 2022. You may enter up to 4 pieces for consideration. All text files must be saved as WORD documents. Each entry should have its own separate Word document and separate submission form. The art files must be a minimum of 1280 px wide, but vertical images work best! The submission must include the title of the piece, plus media and size information (in inches, mm, or pixels).

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