Nuro Delivers Self-driving Car Service in California

Self-driving car

Technology has just reached a new level of innovation. There are dozens of companies who are developing intellectual property and designing a manufacturing and distribution service for the creation of Self-driving cars. Many of these companies are looking for ways to improve the technology present in automobiles that people own and drive. While there have been some breakthroughs in intellectual property for those types of vehicles, consumers have to wait a little bit longer for them but they will certainly arrive in some capacity this decade. Replacing traditional automobiles with Self-driving cars is a big project that will takes several years to implement. However, on a smaller scale, Nuro has been the first company to be approved to run a Self-driving car delivery service in California.

Nuro Inc. is headquarter in Mountain View, California. Its request for a license to operate Self-driving cars for their company has been approved. These vehicles can now make deliveries to any resident or location within the state of California. The state is heavily populated and many in the tech community are always looking for the next innovation to use. California is the perfect place for this kind of company to release its service. If it goes well in California, consumers can expect that Nuro will bring it to other locations throughout the United States. “Issuing the first deployment permit is a significant milestone in the evolution of autonomous vehicles in California,” DMV Director Steve Gordon said via public statement and press release. “We will continue to keep the safety of the motoring public in mind as this technology develops.”

 According to Market Watch, Nuro’s Chief Legal and Policy Officer David Estrada released in a blog post, “We will continue to keep the safety of the motoring public in mind as this technology develops.”

Nuro is currently looking for a delivery partner. It is highly likely that the most successful restaurants and major product distributors like Amazon will be very interested in being a part of this groundbreaking technology and service. Nuro will be using two vehicles for the service: A Self-driving car version of the Toyota Prius, and the companies originally designed R2 vehicles. The R2 vehicles are small cars with enough space to carry products for delivery. It does not have a steering wheel and it drives at 25 mph.

This has been a long process for Nuro; it took them about three years to acquire their license. “Driverless delivery will have a big impact for Californians in the coming years,” Estrada continued in the blog post. “A parent in Mountain View will be able to get the week’s groceries delivered, without bundling the family into the car. A grandmother in East Palo Alto will gain access to affordable home delivery of everyday necessities. And a young woman in San Jose will get the opportunity to start a new career overseeing the operation of a driverless fleet of vehicles that will deliver on these promises.”  Nuro is making a big splash in the market even though they were only founded in 2016 by former Google engineers. The company has raised 1.5 billion in capital, which suggests that Nuro is going to bring their service to places outside of California when they are ready to do so.

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