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Now This’ Versha Sharma: ‘I Am Angry’

This is the truth and women of color have expressed themselves, Just watch it all you need to know what you are going on. This man has lost his mind. He is doing what he has to do to keep control of his base. so sad he is corrupt and his life is just a horrible example of what hate looks like. Meet the press 25,000 national guards protecting our government. People lied to Trump’s followers and it is so sad. Everybody is looking for them. People want these people and life will not be the same. A new normal and it’s just wrong. Biden can not celebrate like they want to. We need this change to heal we are broken by all the lies Trump told. She is angry is a good way to express herself. Patriot overtook a police officer and killed him. So many blue lives matter they killed the police.

NowThis' Versha Sharma: 'I Am Angry'
Meet The Press Broadcast ( Full) - January 17th, 2021 | Meet The Press | NBC News

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