Now they are going to blame the George Floyd drug use for his Death. SMH Day 4

Cause he was on drugs you help Drug addict not kill him.

His drug use is no excuse to do with him being killed by police. He needed to be helped not choked to death by police. They are putting up smoke screens. They want him to be a black addict that deserves death. Being a black addict should be like a white addict on drugs they deserve compassion and help not death or blaming black people for their death is horrible.  I can’t breathe and him saying to his dead mother I love you.  And tell my kids I love them. He was saying the foam coming from his mouth from heroine they are trying to say that, Dereck Chauvin did not choke to death that George died of an overdose. His girlfriend is speculating she did not know the truth. They are talking about pills. Just like blaming the Botham Jean killed in his home because he had weed. Botham Jean had weed in his apartment he did not need to die. This pill mess is really getting on my nerves.  The law saves a white man who killed a black man is the same as freeing Emmett Till’s killers no difference at all. He called his mama and girlfriend mama what is the big freaking deal. Stop worrying about these pills. To watch a man die and describe his own death live and beg for his life and the police did not care. Because he is a big black man this is no excuse for not having compassion. Derek Chauvin is not an anomaly he is the norm. Some people can’t see or know what it’s like to be black it is hard in America. The reason they keep Africa down because it keeps all the leaders separate if you bring that together all-black people will be free.

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