Nipsey Hussle Interviewed by Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Claudia Jordan

Nipsey Hussle was a real leader of our community. He had a partnership with his label. God will rise on his face tattoo, free at last on his thumb. He is not in the culture he had to change what is in his heart. Your art is who you are and it must change with you. I was intentional about what sound I needed. He was beautiful for the music. Friendly competitive music. He was influenced by Snoop and not related. Victory Lab was magic. He was on the mixed tape album and the 100 dollar album. They want to support at the highest level. For the fans, he gave them all that he could. He knew had other hustle and he had focused on music. The Victory Lap was a great album. He was starting Vector 90, too big to fail. You going to be too big to fail an innercity co-workspace. Getting young black kids ready for the future in tech. He joined in on Bitcoin. Most overachieving street man if you know me not underachieving family. He was a gangsta messiah we only get one at a time. He was the Tupac of his generation he was telling the truth. We were too blind to see. We lost more than rappers we lost the love of our people. It makes me sick when people who die are so good to the community he died getting his friends out of prison clothes. His music was only the bridge his genius was what he was doing outside of music teaching the streets to not go back to jail. Every black man needs real black women in his life. Lauren London was his queen, His father was a strong man in his life. His mother helped us understand his death. If it so happens that your kids die before you Nipsey’s mother shows except her son’s death.

Amusement park he built his own stores, doggy world was what he wanted for snoop. Snoop Dogg thanks his parents and Nip was a peace advocate,” So God loves the world so he gave us a great crip”.No other rapper death has ever gotten this much attention ever. It was on national tv his memorial service. This was not a regular Rapper this was an assassination, not a killing. He was going to raise the mentality of gangs and he was trying to call a truce to gang killings of each gang. And the police would not meet with him, He was like Fred Hampton he brought them together he wanted a new black wall street. Like a head of state, he was laid to rest. This was not a normal man he was the Gangsta Messiah.

Nipsey Hussle “did it my way”. If he died today I made the set proud. He made the world proud his brother said. I was hurt when he died and he was inspiring to me as a grown man he was doing something good for the rap he was teaching them to turn the game positive as gangsta did in past. We all know Kennedy’s dad was a bootlegger. He knew the game. He built a computer as a child. He made it work. His Brother did what he could to keep Nip from banging. He wanted to get his music career going. He made it legit for him not to do illegal. He builds a field of dreams. I could not understand how my brother went out like this Judas got Nip. The police wanted them kicked out they wanted to buy a lot. So owners wanted to sell it to them. No different than black wall street police wanted to blow it up. So I am little, not sure how this happened why this great man died. But like Christ had sacrificed his life so he could be a boss to show the rest of the bosses how to do it. Nipsey’s mom spoke like she gave birth to a God and we did not appreciate it at all. “We don’t need to look the sky for a God he is within us.” mom was speaking the truth.

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