New ‘Matrix’ 4 Production Info Released

A new trailer for the upcoming fourth installment of the Matrix franchise has been released. The footage indicates that the film will be entitled The Matrix: Resurrections. A preview was recently played at CinemaCon in Las Vegas where fans had the opportunity to see Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss returning as Neo and Trinity respectively.

The screenplay does not automatically feature characters that remember each other from previous Matrix films. For example, Neo is seeing a therapist because he can not remember his previous role in life and the people he has collaborated with during the previous films. The trailer shows Neo discovering Trinity and she is compelled to ask if they had ever met before.

After taking his prescribed medications, Neo looks in the mirror and sees a picture of himself as an older man rather than his own reflection. At this point Neo, who is going by his real name Thomas Anderson, begins to understand that there is something that has taken place in the past that is allowing him to see the future. In the vision, there is a blue-haired woman who says that Neo needs to follow her if he wants to know the truth about what is happening in his life.

In the next sequence, the fans have the opportunity to see how some of the action sections of the movie will unfold. The presentation includes martial arts and the famous slow-motion sequences that have been a fan favorite for many who enjoy Matrix films.

The Matrix: Resurrections is directed by Lana Wachowski. She also co-wrote/directed the first three films of the franchise with her sister Lilly Wachowski.

Another exciting production note regards the cast. It has been confirmed that Priyanka Chopra Jonas is going to be in the film. In the coming months, casting information and other production elements will be described throughout the various digital media platforms. There may be other surprise actors and actresses who will be cast as well.  

The Matrix: Resurrections is set to debut in theaters Dec. 22nd.

Even though the release date is about four months a way, it is important to note that there still is a COVID-19 pandemic, it may only be possible to release the film in limited theaters and/or video streaming services. The franchise is still very popular among viewers that enjoy action/adventure films. Deciding on which streaming service to release the movie will be very difficult. Every media company with a video streaming app would be interested in the new Matrix making its debut on its services. Netflix, Hulu and Amazon are three companies that will be competing with each other for the rights to the film’s debut. Even though Disney+ is doing extraordinarily well during the pandemic, the company is less likely to make a deal for the Matrix as their service already has Marvel and Star Wars properties which have generated billions in sales for the Walt Disney Company since the release of the service.

No matter how it makes the debut,  The Matrix: Resurrections is going to do well. It seems that the production has a great story to tell, and they are selecting a good supporting cast in order to make this movie a standout in the Matrix franchise.

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