New Cybersecurity Blog on Medium

I have been writing professionally from 2008 to the present. From 2018 to 2021, I completed graduate school with an MS in Cybersecurity, a Certificate in Information Assurance, and a Certificate in Threat Detection. I am an online entrepreneur with strong credentials for working in technology. The challenge for me is to mesh both worlds. Writing and editing are my strongest skills, but I also enjoy solving problems in the world of tech.

If I dive too deeply into either profession while trying to participate in both, I may not have the availability to make both extremely successful. Art Bracket LLC has been a passion project that started as a capstone for a course in Business and Professional Writing. The company has been a dream come true for me because it has given me the opportunity to build my craft in writing and editing while also collaborating with other artists and writers. It has been an incredible ride with many obstacles but I would not change any of my experiences with the company because they have shaped who I am today and my ability to work efficiently.

During and after graduate school I have submitted my cybersecurity related articles to Arts Tribune. Even though these articles have been read by thousands of readers, I think it is time for me to have a dedicated space only for the cybersecurity articles. I will submit cybersecurity articles to Arts Tribune on an occasional basis going forward. Most of my articles will be submitted to Medium, where I can focus on cybersecurity exclusively. I have over 100 articles that is available on my Medium page that can be viewed here:

Now I can write in the technology section of Arts Tribune with a broader brush. I can review technology and write about current events that readers of arts and entertainment content may find interesting. I am looking forward to creating a variety of different types of technology articles for Arts Tribune.  

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