Must-See New Video Shows Capitol Riot Was Way Worse Than We Thought | All In | MSNBC: Black Lives Matter VS. Capitol Riot.

This was much worst than we thought they wanted to hang VP, Mike Pence. They Threw women to the floor who were with the press and broke her camera. They went into to murder people who did not get Trump to be president again even though he lost fair and square. Trump supporters trying to hurt officers. Five dead in this event. The president caused them to act a damn fool here is the video. Trump was happy about the trouble. He is so stupid he has killed more Americans with his incompetence than some wars. These men were getting ready to kill people this was no joke. These men and women lost their damn men. If this was black lives matter and not trump supporters they would have been dead. Shot down lock dogs. We are so blind to a homegrown terrorist.

Black matter VS. Capitol Riot

The sheep for Trump they are worshiping Trump he is there God.

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