Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado

A man who lived larger than life

Walter Mercado famed astrologer who loved life is featured in a documentary on Netflix


Walter Mercado was larger than life. A flamboyant astrologer who’s style was slightly over the top outfits with equally large matching jewelry. He was adored by the Spanish speaking world and people would crowd around their tv sets just to hear him deliver their daily horoscope prediction.

Mucho Mucho Amor details the life of Walter Mercado, an in-depth documentary that interviews Walter, his assistant Willy Acosta, Walter Mercado’s family and his former business partner Bill Bakula. They discuss the infamous lawsuit with Bakula that lead to Mercado’s disappearance from many television sets and the eventual fall from fame.

This is a beautiful documentary that shows the real Walter. The Walter behind the costumes and jewels. The man, who loves life, loves his fans and most importantly loves his family, we include his assistant Willy as his family.

Spirituality was an important factor in Waller’s life. He believed in it all, accepting all aspects. He also believed in all faiths. But as important as it was in Walter’s life he was a strong believer that love was the most important thing in life. Learning to love and be loved in return.

Walter Mercado disappeared from television in the early 2012 following lawsuits and counter lawsuits with former business partner Bill Bakula. As with the case with many celebrities the business partner gets greedy and tries to take more than their share, this was the case with Walter and after years of litigation his fortune evaporated relying on family and friends.

The interviews with Walter are in the later stage of his life and you see a charming and very engaging man who lives a humble, yet bejeweled life in Puerto Rico. His celebrity is featured around his home including many photos featuring famous friends and admirerers. More recent admirer is Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is almost reduced to tears upon meeting Walter in Miami.

Mucho Mucho Amor highlights the life of a man who lived his life his own way. He enjoyed being his authentic self in front of the camera, he was genuine and loved helping others through his astrology. He wasn’t a person limited by rules and expectations and enjoyed being fabulous and was not going to be apologetic for being himself.

This documentary is very uplifting and a nice surprise. Mucho Mucho Amor is currently streaming on Netflix.

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