MLK Day Celebrated through Drive-Up Rally

There are no words that can truly express the impact and legacy left behind by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was a political figure, who was also a minister who combined all of his passions together to form the most incredible demonstrations throughout the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He also believed in the philosophy of non-violence even though violent means were taken against him and his people.

If it wasn’t for his ability to speak regarding the pains of American life and how we can ban together to overcome obstacles with love and compassion rather bullets, many of the grand-parents of American’s African-American population would not have lived as long as they did; therefore, generations of families would lose the opportunity to learn about the 60s and what their particular participation was in the struggle for Civil Rights.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an important holiday that has been a part of America for over 30 years. It is a time of reflection, not just for the descendants of the people who made demonstrations in the Civil Rights Movements but for any American or person around the world that wants to celebrate freedom and the pursuit of unity with others in order to change the world.

The holiday is a chance for people to reflect and determine ways through which they can bring about change in their own lives. Through the eyes of many historians, the Civil Rights Movement was not that long ago. However, as a millennial it seems like something that took place in a different world and time period, but I am fortunate enough to have relatives who actually participated in the Civil Rights Movement and taught me about their involvement. One of them is now deceased, but I learned from her some of the greatest things that a young person could learn.

When I was about 10 years old, my relative thought that I was mature enough to learn about her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. She pulled out a cardboard box filled with a lot of items. She taught me the history and application of everything in that box. My two favorite items are the banner she carried at various marching throughout the 60s and her Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. buttons. 

At this point in my life the only faces that I’d seen on buttons were President G. W. Bush’s and Bill Clinton’s. Therefore, I asked my relative if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had ever run for President? She laughed and gave me a history lesson that I will never forget.

Many people celebrate the holiday in different ways; however since this is the first time it will be celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic, people are getting creative in their ways of celebration. On Sunday, people were organized in the Milford area for a drive-up rally, celebration of the holiday. This was the 16th annual celebration gathering organized by Huron Valley MLK Day Committee; the theme for this year’s holiday was “Honoring Voices of Equality”.

The committee usually puts together a march, but this year they were able to show all the participants a video about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the parking lot of the Community Sharing Outreach Center. The Committee also provided attendees with links to downloadable content regarding how people can apply the principles shared by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today.

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