Michigan GOPers Try To Steal Election For Trump, Change Minds At The Last Minute

Wow now it was Trump’s people trying to steal the election for real and it is not fake news. The did not want to certify black people vote.Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers only wanted to certify votes from the white suburbs of mostly Black Detroit, but reversed under pressure.

The two Republicans on Michigan’s Wayne County Board of Canvassers initially refused on Tuesday to certify the county’s election results, which show former Vice President Joe Biden defeating President Donald Trump.

But they suddenly reversed their decision after hours of phone calls from the public lambasting them for trying to exclude predominantly Black Detroit from the certification. Now we know who wanted to steal the election.

The board first deadlocked at 2-2 with the Republicans voting against certifying the results and Democrats voting to certify. It would have been an unprecedented move by a local board to refuse to certify an election result as part of a scheme to overturn the outcome.

The two Republican board members ―  Monica Palmer and William Hartmann ― initially said that their refusal to certify Wayne County’s outcomes was as a result of minor discrepancies in absentee ballot guide matches, in response to The Detroit News. Similar minor discrepancies have by no means stopped the native board from certifying elections previously.

“There is no reason under the sun for us to have not certified this election,” Board Vice Chairman Jonathan Kinloch, one of many board’s two Democrats, said. “I believe that politics made its presence known here today.”

After the preliminary vote, the board of canvassers heard from offended members of the general public, who accused the 2 Republicans of racism for making an attempt to exclude votes from Detroit, which is roughly 80% Black.

Palmer, one of many Republicans on the Wayne County board, initially recommended that she would solely certify “communities other than Detroit” which are inside the county — suburbs which are predominantly white.

Hartmann, in the meantime, has shared racist memes, together with about Detroit residents, and has promoted Trump’s disproven conspiracies about voter fraud on his social media accounts.

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