Michelle Obama says she’s dealing with ‘low-grade depression’ because of COVID-19, racial strife, and the Trump administration

*Former First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday said she’s been managing “some form of low-grade depression” in 2020.

*Obama attributed this, in part, to the Trump administration’s “hypocrisy.”

*”But I’d be remiss to say that part of this depression is also a result of what we’re seeing in terms of the protests, the continued racial unrest, that has plagued this country since its birth,” the former first lady said.

Trump has screwed up America My fear is every poor white person is going to put him back in the office. He is their God period. He was a big mistake. He did not know anything about running the country and now he has caused many Americans to die and it is more coming in the future. It time for trump to go. Picture of what the real President looked like. Trump can mess up a wet dream. Time for him to go.

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