Michael Jackson’s Kids Make RARE Public Outing

Michael Jackson’s kids look all grown up! On Tuesday, Paris, Prince and Blanket “Bigi” Jackson stepped out for the opening of MJ: The Musical at Broadway’s Neil Simon Theatre in New York City. It is good to see his children grown up, it does not matter if you are blood or not-heart matters and it is just that. God had a plan for MJ and his children will finish it. Money will not be an issue and his life has meaning. He raised these children with love and that is all that matters and this is just what love looks like. MJ needed to be happy and these children made him happy. Micheal’s music will live forever.

His legacy is these children. I think his daughter is Lisa Marie Presley’s daughter they look alike. This does not seem to be a mistake. It’s just kind of uncanny they still had a relationship after they split he loved her for real. He was not the same after they broke up. He wanted children and that would have been good for both of them. He was in need of a real wife, not just somebody to carry his children. Lisa could have kept him together as he got older and he loved her the only way he knew how.

He wanted her, she just did not want him. But that is life. The music video for “You Are Not Alone” is the happiest MJ looked in his life. When you lose the one life partner who is your soul mate it is hard to deal with, it is not the same and it hurts. But life has to go on. We are not here for no reason we need to be loved or give love for real. When Lisa said she did not want his kids he was the one person that could take the light of her father off of her. He was more famous than her. Her kids needed MJ love-pure and not nasty and you can tell by his children. They are grounded by his love to this day. Lisa needed that for real and he needed her just as bad. A baby by MJ would have been great it would bring two musical worlds together and you have too much love to stop it. They were a pair that needed to be together. He married her for love not publicity who else could he be with that would understand his life.

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