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Michael Jackson’s Fascination with Bruce Lee; MJ owned everybody’s music.

This documentary film is defending Michael. A few people misread the title and assumed that I’m calling him “Wacko Jacko” and a “Liar”. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m a fan of Michael, and this documentary shows testimonies from many of his friends and the people who knew him in which they affirm that Michael was a kind benevolent soul. The meaning of the title is simply the fact that “wacko Jacko” is a false image of Michael created by the media and the tabloids that does not reflect his true nature.

MJ was not a child molester people were horrible to people. This was a hit job for one man that owned everbody’s music at Sony. If Micheal was in debt, he should have invested with Warren Buffet. He would have been a billionaire over and over. So, even Micheal Jackson’s life was fragile like everybody else. It is fair and just breaks a deal with death or pandemic. A lot of artists take his money. A lot of videos to explain MJ’s power.

Dick Gregory explains why Michael Jackson was killed
Why the music industry felt threatened by Michael Jackson (PART 1)
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