Michael Baisden Live 20 summers

20 Summers by Michael BaisdenIf you’re over 40, and certainly over 50, you’ve only got 20 good summers left before your most energetic and youthful years are behind you. No matter how well you eat, exercise, and meditate, you’re old after 70. Yes, you can be sexy, vibrant, and active…but your best body, mental sharpness, and sexual energy are behind you.

I’m writing this because I need you to focus on the reality of time! Eventually we all age and move into a new chapter. But before we do, make damn sure you live life to the fullest! Breathe the air in deeper, enjoy more sunsets, take scenic walks, laugh with more passion, love with intensity, create a tribe of like-minded people, and most importantly, see as much of this world as you can!

20 Summers may seem like a lot but it’s not! Hell, it seems like I was 30 yrs. old yesterday and now I’m in my 50’s. Life happens so fast, doesn’t it? Those years are gone, and our tomorrow becomes sp precious. The question is how will we execute on making them our best years?

The most important statement you can make to yourself when your days are done is, “I did that!”, “I went there!”, I tried that!”So, stop procrastinating! Stamp that passport and delete anyone who doesn’t add to you. Remember, you’ve only got 20 summers left…19 after this one.

Now get out there and really start living! Have a sense of urgency about how you spend your time…and be mindful of whom you are investing your time in! ~ Michael Baisden #20Summers

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