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Mental Slavery is real and Earn Your Leisure Video to wake you up!!!!

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Freedom From Mental Slavery


Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.

”WE are free to speak as long as no one listens

We are Free to explain as long as no one understands

WE are Free to sing and dance as long as you entertain those who would have you sing and dance on a tightrope above an open grave .

WE are Free to think as long as you think feelings

WE are Free to love as long as it is your tormentors and not yourself that you love

WE are Free to assemble as long as you gather together to screw each other

WE are Free to kiss as long as you kiss the ass of the one who offends you

You are free to spend your money as you like as long as you like to spend it

with those who spitefully use you

who use it to finance your execution and to bury you in your store-bought finest.

Dr. Amos WilsonWhat would it be like if we were free—not enslaved by their European conditioning.”

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