Matthew Dover’s ‘Behind Closed Doors’ – Book Review

The cover for Matthew Dover’s book entitled Behind Closed Doors has a striking simplicity. It shows a small stool with two beer bottles and a belt laying on it. As you go through the fiction novel, it will be apparent why these items are depicted on the cover. One of the running themes of the book is domestic abuse, and the central character-Steven-experiences it at the hands of his father and how his dad is abusive to his mother.

It is interesting to see Steven’s thoughts unfold throughout the book. Initially, he does not even realize what is physically and emotionally happening to him. He better understands as he continues to reach out to friends at school and trusted individuals in the community to see if they could recommend how to obtain a better, more secure lifestyle.

Prior to Steven receiving any kind of help, he reaches out to make a new friend who lives in his neighborhood. The friend’s father happens to be a police officer and he tries his best to help Steven throughout the story. Steven does not divulge everything that has been taking place in one sitting, the officer has do some investigative work in order to discover everything negative Steven’s father has done.

Behinds Closed Doors is quick read with a lot of action. The characters have memorable qualities and the story is poignant and socially relevant. The book’s themes range from individual, self-awareness to domestic abuse. As a take away, it is interesting to see Steven’s character realize that he is important and deserves love, friendship and safety like everyone else.

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