Malamegi Lab Art Prize

Art Call

The culture, in fact, is a showcase of abstract and evasive ideas and concepts considered as diversions. It holds no esteem for the whole horizon that marks the human heart, certainly not up to the hope for all. But the presence of art in the cultural life has a different facet, allows and able enthusiasm of artists with endless passion. Italian Malamegi Lab Art Prize is open for submissions from all artists. They accept drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, graphics, mix media and video. This is a wonderful opportunity for artists. There is a cash to win5000,00€. Application deadline is 9 March 2023. Artwork acquisition award is cash prize and monographic book prize.

The contest is open to professional and amateur artists, graphic designers, painters, photographers, etc…The following types of works are admitted painting, photography, sculpture, mixed media, digital, video, graphics, net art, other visual art. It is promoting the selected artists, to get involved in the market of art. All artists are free to interpret competition through their own sensitivity and therefor the theme is free. The competition provides for the selection of 12 finalists. This artwork will become part of the Malamegi Lab’s private collection with a maximum purchase value of € 2000,00. Artworks not for sale or with a price higher than the acquisition prize will still be able to win one of the other prizes. The exhibition will have the general catalogue. Invitations will be sent to artists, curators, critics, journalists and media of the hosting city. One artist among the 12 selected will be awarded a cash prize of € 1000,00. The award will be given based on the quality and originality. The prize of this contest is a contribution to the development of art and artist’s aesthetic research. The monography will be curated by Malamegi Lab with the support of final exhibition’s curators. The book will be edited, developed, printed and distributed at Malamegi Lab expenses.

The Award has a max purchase value of € 2000,00. Artworks that is not for sale or with the prize higher than the acquisition prize will not participate in prize, but it still be able to win one of the other prizes. At the end of the collective exhibition, to an artist among 12 selected will be awarded a cash prize of € 1000,00. The award is based on the quality and originality and invitations to vernissage will be property of the artist.

Italian Culture Center Malamegi Lab long time ago became meeting point of personalities who became members of the Center such as Hans von Balthasar, Emmanuel Levinas, Czeslaw Milosz, John Eccles, Andrej Tarkowskij, Chaim Potok, Antony Burgess, Federico Zeri, Mario Luzi to David Grossman, from Alain Finkielkraut, Jean Clair, Joel Meyerowitz, John Polkinghorne, Ugo Amaldi, Carlo Rubbia, John Barrow, Paul Davies, Laurent Lafforgue, Remi Braque, Joseph Weiler, Aharon Appelfed, Samir Khalil, Riccardo Muti to Rami Bahrami and more than 2500 Italian and international authors, writers, lecturers.

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