Why I Chose to Major in the Arts, Humanities and Technology

Life is very unpredictable. Throughout the process of gaining experience in education, it seems like the more you learn the greater the possibilities. There are so many different factors in life and when you try to analyze them it can be somewhat overwhelming. It can be an extraordinary challenge to discover your true path.

It is extremely challenging to be a jack of all trades. Sometimes it appears that people who have a mastery in one discipline may achieve more frequent success than those who have interest in a variety of crafts. However, if someone has interest in many courses of study, they should not give up their dreams and only focus on one. Such has been the dilemma I’ve been facing my entire life.

Technology was my first love. I remember being a kid and daydreaming about innovations in space technology. I never dreamed of being an astronaut, but have always been fascinated by the technology used by NASA. In my dreamworld, I was at the forefront of developing and launching technology that would take me to the moon, stars and even places that have yet to be discovered.

I expressed innovative ideas through pen and paper. I started reading and writing early in my life. In addition to excelling in spelling and grammar, what I remember most are the sketches and descriptive language I used to express technical phenomena. I had no idea what the humanities were. I didn’t realize I had been collaborating my writing with an appreciation for technology-essentially combing two separate interest for the first time.

As I continued to grow, my writing skills developed accordingly. Sometime along the way, I joined the speech team at my school. I performed in competitions, for parents and my classmates. I’ll never forget the excitement I had after audience members told me what they thought of my performances. It felt great to generate that kind of adulation. These experiences developed my interest in the fine and performing arts.

Another key point in time was when horror/thriller film Scream was released in theaters. For several days after seeing the movie, I was on the computer re-writing the scenes and introducing my own ideas to make the screenplay better. It was fun and completely influential.

Theatre also became one of the disciplines that I love. I think the most influential experience in theatre was my sophomore year in high school, where our drama department had been one of nine in the U.S. to have access to the script for Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical. I was fortunate to be in the show. After my character dies at the beginning of Act 2, I spent most of my downtime in the wings of the theater singing with the chorus and visualizing the actor’s dialogue in the show.

Due to my expression in the arts, humanities, technology and at the time other disciplines-I earned the nickname “Renaissance Man”. The name was given to me by one of my teachers. I appreciate because it’s an accurate description.

For the arts, I have a bachelors degree in theatre. The humanities, a bachelors degree in English. Technology, a masters in Cybersecurity.

Creating Arts Tribune occurred because I needed an outlet to express everything I find interesting. It’s a good feeling to finally have a platform where a variety of creative ideas can be explored. For this reason, I am glad that I took time to major in each category, otherwise creating Arts Tribune may have not occurred. I would encourage everyone to never give up their dreams and pursue them instead.

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