Liz Cheney ‘Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar’

Rep Liz Chaney is Dick Chaney’s daughter, she is the sole voice standing up for the republican party and the party wants to support Trump so badly they will aline themselves up with a liar. When Biden took over the presidential office there was a real change. Million of Americans have been misled by the previous president who lied to themp; he was not placed in office by God he was punishment for not following God.  They better leave Liz Chaney alone. She has a powerful family and she is standing up. American Democracy is not a failure it worked perfectly it removed a fool. We need to love our country more. Some people in Missouri are clueless, they are cutting off unemployment for everybody 3 months early this is why republicans should not be in office, when the country sends a President in office to help the people a Governor of  a racist state should not be allowed to change it. It is not 600 dollars like Trump it is 300 dollars really we need 15.00 a hour minimum wage now. We the people are tired of being treated like slaves if you are flipping a burger you should be allowed to make a living and pay for your life. Now pay the employees, you’ve got raise to do it. 

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