Linjie Deng – Stop Asian Hate, Start American Love

Young Artist Making a Big Splash in Manhattan

Linjie Deng, originally from mainland China, is making a name for himself in the art world. Later this month his work will be featured in the Scope Art Fair in Miami. 


In fact some of Linjie Deng’s more recent artworks are hanging in private homes in Lucerne, Switzerland and others are hanging in private properties around the world.


Deng has come a long way from his early days growing in rural China with a mother who is a farmer and a father who works at a firework company. Both parents are extremely proud of their son who moved to New York six years ago to study and follow his dreams.

“Art saved my life” says Deng.


His artworks are a cross combination of beautiful Chinese calligraphy and Pop-art. Some of his works feature intricate drawings of animals, made up of Chinese writing and printed on the cover pages of the New York Times. This work in particular is a drawing of a red Ox splashed across the front pages, the Ox symbolizes hard work and passion.


“2020 was the year of the mouse, which general means bad luck. But 2021 is the year of the Ox which means more money, hard work and good luck” says Linjie when explaining his artwork.


First stepping foot in Manhattan six years ago, Deng set about to study and advance his understanding of his passion, but also needed to make money to survive. In an effort to make some extra cash Deng started doing beautiful calligraphy drawings on people’s bodies. It was his introduction to a younger audience, but also it allowed him to listen to people tell their story as he completed his artwork on their body.


“In Union Square, I set up a stand and was able to draw on people their dream tattoo. Sometimes it covered half their face with calligraphy. But people opened up to me and would often tell me their story. This helped inspire my work” said Linjie.


Earlier this year, Deng experienced a shocking Asian hate crime on the subway, which lead to his next breakout art series, Stop Asian Hate, Start American Love. 


This art series features a map of America with a yellow background with holes in the map symbolizing the cities where Asian hate crime have been experienced. Another artwork is the painting of an eye that is reflecting the outline of a gun. 


The most popular piece of that series created by Deng, features a Panda holding two guns with the slogan “Destroy Racism. Be Like a Panda. I am White, Black and Asian”. This art work brought Linjie national attention and was featured on CBS New York.


Deng’s hope with the Stop Asian Hate, Start American Love is to use art to start America loving again. 


“We are all together American and we need to love each other more” says Deng.


For now home for Deng is New York City. He is exploring new ideas for his art, that is continually evolving as he finds greater inspirations. 


“There are many more freedoms in New York” exclaimed Linjie. 


Deng’s most recent artwork, which can be viewed on his Instagram account, but is much better suited to being viewed in person. The giant paintings of two Ying Yang symbols that are made up of beautifully drawn calligraphy, which is an artwork in itself. 


“Art is my baby and I enjoy knowing it is hanging with pride in people’s homes” said Deng.


Artwork by Linjie Deng is going to be featured at the Scope Art Fair in Miami and can be viewed on the artists Instagram account. He has also been featured in a number of galleries around the city including Carlton Fine Arts on Madison Ave. The future is looking up for this young bold artist.

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