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Lily Collins Shares Production Secrets About “Emily In Paris”


What’s the most unusual or memorable thing you ate while on location?

I would say actually in Rome, I had the best affogato I’ve ever had. Affogatos are amazing. So you need the right gelato and the right coffee and here you get both. And the combination of the two is the best.

What do you think are some of the biggest differences between French and American cultures?

Ooh, I think we leaned into it season one where it was working to live and living to work. I think that there’s a real driven-ness, if you will, in everyone’s mentality of working in both places.

But there is maybe more of an, “Okay, at this time of day, I put my phone away and I just focus on what I wanna do” and kind of turn work mode off a little bit more [in French culture], which I appreciate. And also taking longer time for meals, whether it’s a lunch or a dinner. I aIso feel like everything happens slightly later here. I’m okay with a six o’clock dinner. Whereas here it’s like, “Let’s go at nine, 9.30” – I’m in bed! But that could also be an age thing. I’m sure when I was 18, I was down with that. But now I’m like, “Let’s do an early bird special.”

After four seasons, how involved are you in Emily’s storyline? Have you made any influential decisions on her story arc?

I’ve definitely been in conversations with all of our other producers, showrunner Darren (Star), and of course the writers and helped give my opinions and thoughts.

Also with casting decisions, which is to me one of the most important things when you’re dealing with chemistry with people. And also just the way that you see Emily’s changes in her own personality and what she gravitates more towards and just being an active viewer myself of other shows and kind of understanding character arcs and like where would I wanna see Emily go? But also who do I wanna see on screen? And what kind of stories do I wanna tell? 

Has there ever been a time you thought, “Emily wouldn’t wear this”? Or seen something and thought, “Emily HAS to wear this”? 

I’ve definitely done both, but when I’ve thought it wasn’t something Emily would wear, I was encouraged to try it on anyway. And then I’m like, “You know what? I was wrong. This is perfect.” It’s all about the fit. It’s all about, it’s a character. And I love when I’m proven wrong on this show when it comes to fashion, because it’s all about taking risks. And I really lean into Marilyn’s (Fitoussi) aesthetic and her geniusness, because you don’t always know from a hanger, you know?


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