Lila Benharush’s Art: A New Style in Mixed Media

While many artists gain their inspiration from other artworks developed in the past, mixed media artist Lila Benharush seems to defy the notion that there is no such thing as an original thought in art. Lila Benharush’s work is not overly influenced by another artist’s work or ideas, making her images unique, striking, and extraordinarily creative.

A New Creative World

Observing a piece by Lila Benharush is like flying a plane in uncharted territory; you feel as if you are in an entirely different world. In the creative world of Lila Benharush, nothing is ordinary and all expressionism is coupled with a heightened sense of nature, human actions and thoughts.

The artist has a mastery of color schemes in mixed media, and the ability to create art this is visually exciting, thought provoking, and tells an original story.

The Artist Body As Art

It is really interesting to see how the artist uses her own body in the art pieces with such creative transformation. When Lila Benharush uses her own physical expressions and actions in her pieces and then overlays them with her masterful color schemes and the elements of her original creative world, it produces art that has a strong human and emotional presence. Lila Benharush has the unique ability to assert herself into art, continuously transform the world her physical body lives with in, and tell beautiful stories to audiences who watch her expression and movement within art.

Art by Lila Benharush

View artist’s collections on Art Flakes and Saatchi Art.

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