Let’s TALK about day 8 at Ottawa Bluesfest


Initially July 12 was supposed to be an off day for me due to prior engagements but schedules changed and suddenly I found myself back at LeBreton Flatts for another night at Ottawa Bluesfest.

Brittany Kennell performs at the Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

I made it to the RBC Stage just in time to witness a friend’s dream come true as Brittany Kennell made her Ottawa Bluesfest debut, a wish she had just made earlier in the year. I’ve known Brittany since just after she returned to Montreal from Nashville and kicked her career into hyperdrive on Canadian soil. The ONLY Canadian alumnus of The Voice and Team Blake Kennell has shown time and time again that she’s a force to be reconned with. Her stage presence is undeniable and her sound is virtually unmatched by any other Canadian country recording artist. RBC Stage is a huge stage with lots of room to fill but Brittany and her band easily did just that and a great turn out for her early set was also a great sign of the bright future she has. If you’ve never seen Brittany perform, please go and check her out. I have no doubt she’ll be headlining her own tour across Canada before long!

Talk performs at the Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

Next on my watch list for this Friday night at Ottawa Bluesfest was TALK. Although many have been talking, rather raving, about TALK I wanted to see for myself what the buzz was all about. Let me tell you Canada has a lot to be proud of when you look at the talent we’ve staged at Ottawa Bluesfest this summer. TALK was everything I expected and more…I guess what I loved the most is that fact that he doesn’t fit into a box. He’s truly unique has an incredible stage presence and his entire set was a lot of fun to watch. There’s no question the world will be TALKing about TALK for a very long time and we’ll, hopefully, be seeing more of him at festivals and in venues across Canada in the years to come. I know I’ll be at the front of the line to go see him perform again.

It was a slow day for me on the Friday and I, honestly, didn’t venture far from the main bowl aside from a quick trip to the River Stage to catch some of the Bahamas set. I was impressed by the crowd that had amassed at the River Stage for this performance. It was packed solid and was almost impossible to get far in front of the stage when coming in from the Museum side. Although a bit too sleepy for me the crowd loved every second of this show, singing along and just going along with the vibe.

Tyler Childers performs at the Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

Tyler Childers was an artist who’s long been on my bucket list to see live. I was admittedly disappointed when the schedule was released and I saw that, again, I’d miss my chance to see him so you can imagine the excitement when things worked out and I was able to attend. What a show. 90 minutes of story telling, some great, all be it dark, humour and incredible melodies Tyler was definitely a highlight of the 2024 festival for me. Much like TALK I look forward to the opportunity to catch him again some day soon!

And here we are, down to the last 2 days of Ottawa Bluesfest 2024. Tomorrow will be my final day at the festival as I’ll be taking July 14 off to celebrate my 50th Birthday back home so I look forward to rocking out one last time with JJ Wilde, The Tea Party and Motley Crue…see you at the Flatts!

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