Let’s embark on the logo journey

Speak Visually!

If I were to show you a bitten apple, or a big fat yellow M, you would instantly recognize the brand behind it. That right there is the power of the logo. You don’t need words or anything, just some creativity to let the history of your brand be drawn in a blank canvas beautifully.

The whole history of a brand is crafted upon its logo. That is why logos are crafted with great detailing and minimalism to avoid ambiguity.

You know when you’ve met someone twice or thrice, they start to remember your face. And now when you meet them, you don’t have to introduce yourself, but they would rather recall your name and impression from your face. The logo is just like a human picture. If a company’s logo is rightfully crafted, it doesn’t need an Introduction.

The history of logos goes way back long. Long and long ago, in the early version of development, people used signage on their pubs and shops as a representation of what they did. However, with the developments and evolution, people started working on modern logo designing.

What is a logo? The simplest answer would probably be, that it’s a philosophy of design that conjures up thousands of words into a vivid image or symbol

Your logo also possesses the opportunity to design a statement about your organization emphasizing how it works and its unique selling points. Let’s take the example of the world’s famous market leader, Amazon. The logo of Amazon depicts a smiley arrow that communicates the fact that the company sells everything from A to Z. The smiley arrow also depicts that the customers are happy and satisfied when they shop with them.

Did you know that 90% of all the information transmitted to our brains is visual and is processed 60,000 times? The whole history of a brand is crafted upon its logo. That is why logos are crafted with great detailing and minimalism to avoid ambiguity.

Do you know, it just takes 400 milliseconds for the visual elements of a logo to get processed in the visual cortex of our brain.

Also, 33% of the top 100 brands use the color blue in their logo. The mere reason for using blue is, blue imparts trust and loyalty.

There are 7 types of logo designs, that exist around the world.




        Letter mark

        Pictorial mark

        Word mark

        Combination mark





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The 5 Golden Rules for designing Logo

Top brands and even top-notch logo Design agencies focus on these brand rules to create differentiated brand logos.

The target for Simple and Easy Recall

Make it simple and minimal for the audience to recall it easily. A logo does not specifically have to be difficult or ambiguous for people to understand.  Simplicity helps in gaining attention. The world is full of brands and each day a person interacts with so many brands. It just takes a glance at a person to garner attention. If the logo is not properly designed, chances are, the prospect won’t retain it.  Have a focused concept and story.

Build the Basic

Building a logo for a company is not a one-day process. You need to focus and pay attention to details that have a positive result. Start with black and wide and then add the vibrancy.

Do you know Apple’s first-ever logo was not the bitten apple but rather a scenery? Can you imagine? Apple bit by bit came to this change. so, if you don’t get it right in the first place, no problem. Just be open to change and innovation.

Be Unique and Different

Don’t just be on the bandwagon of copying different brand’s logos followed by a few changes. Your Logo is your reputation and brand identity. It has to be unique. If your competitor is using symbols or typography, don’t just chase after it. Don’t confuse your customers with similar logos. Use your imagination to deliver your message and attract customers.

Keep it Relevant

Communicate what your brand stands for and what it communicates.

Your logo also possesses the opportunity to design a statement about your organization emphasizing how it works and its unique selling points. Let’s take the example of the world’s famous market leader, Amazon. The logo of Amazon depicts a smiley arrow that communicates the fact that the company sells everything from A to Z. The smiley arrow also depicts that the customers are happy and satisfied when they shop with them.


Don’t be too literal

Don’t be too specific about what you do, rather tell them about who you are. Your values, your vision, and what you stand for.

Brands scramble to create the perfect logo that could resonate well with its customer like just in instants.  Nike’s logo can be taken as a great example, as it resonates very well with its customer with just its logo. It connects with people on an emotional level. Be ready to break the rules, be as creative as possible. Let your logo speak volumes for you. Let your brand Speak Loudly, and Speak Visually!




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