Lawmakers Prepare for ‘Hell Week’ And Are Ready to Pass Bipartisan Bill with a $908 Billion Dollar Price Tag

After months of a stalemate in Washington, Congress Seems Ready to Pass the Bipartisan COVID Relief bill but no stimulus checks?

Republicans and Democrats are ready for ‘Hell Week’ with their hands tied trying to negotiate a $908 Billion ‘skinny’ bipartisan pandemic relief bill that will fund the government to avoid a shutdown and keep it afloat, funding for state and local aid, liability protection for businesses but the one main missing component is $1,200 stimulus checks for the people who really need it badly to survive this pandemic.

Lawmakers are also wrangling over a $1.4 trillion omnibus relief bill with which the Covid package would merge with.

Bloomberg reports that the deadline of December 11 this Friday may be postponed and the bipartisan bill could pass during the lame-duck session before President Trump leaves office in January. The final proposal could include $160 billion for states and local governments.

Republican Senator of Lousiana Bill Cassidy, (R) who is one of the group members behind the relief package, said that he remained confident that President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) will come on board with the plan and accept the $908 billion dollar bill. Which is bad news for Americans who need stimulus checks. They call it a short-term boost for a nation that is still reeling from the pandemic. Still, that’s not good enough. McConnell is the main culprit that has been holding up negotiations along with Nancy Pelosi for six months. They can’t seem to agree on anything!

It seems more like a targeted relief bill and not an actual stimulus bill for the people. They are still negotiating the details and the language of the bill and possibly there could be some improvements but will it include stimulus checks? Highly doubtful but there still could be hope if Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Democrats get their way. There are still no guarantees though that stimulus checks could be included at the very last minute. They have been pushing for stimulus checks all this time and Republicans are at a stalemate with the negotiations of passing a bill with a high price tag.

They don’t seem to care if the American people suffer. They love to hear themselves talk but provoke no action for relief for Americans; there’s only their needs in the bill for Wall Street and businesses. If checks for the people are not included in this bill, Americans will still suffer the brunt of this pandemic with economic hardship and it’s already getting worse before it gets better if at all in 2021.  It would be up to the Biden Administration to include them in the next bill with his executive orders. And Biden does want more stimulus checks when he officially takes office.  He said that ‘more stimulus payments are in play.’

Cassidy said on Fox News Sunday that “This $908 billion dollar bill is not a stimulus bill, but a relief bill—and it’s something for the next three or four months to help those in the greatest need.” These politicians are out of touch with American’s needs and put their needs first before Americans. This is unacceptable since the government works for us we don’t work for them!

White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow told The Washington Post Monday according to Bloomberg that Trump hasn’t yet endorsed the proposed $908 billion bipartisan bill but would likely sign it though details matter and would be reviewed further.

Bernie Sanders opposes the bill stating it lacked $1,200 stimulus checks and shouldn’t be passed at all. The GOP is skeptical of the $160 billion in aid to assigned states criticizing that it’s an ‘improper bailout.’

The clock is ticking…and we have yet to see what steps lawmakers take next.

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