KISS THE BOOK: The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco by Michelle Chouinard


The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco
by Michelle Chouinard
, 336 pages. Minotaur Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2024. $18.

Language: R (59 swears, 1 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



Being the granddaughter of a serial killer has always colored Capri’s life—especially since she believes he was innocent. Researching her grandfather’s case led to other serial killers and murder cases, which eventually inspired Capri (49yo) to start a tour company that focused on murder spots around San Francisco. But she wasn’t the only one to be inspired. A copycat killer has started murdering more women, placing a glaring spotlight on Capri and her family once more.

Capri digs into both the open serial killer case and her grandfather’s closed case, tangling everything together and keeping readers on edge for two big reveals. Riding the line between helping protect herself and her daughter without impeding the police investigation makes for some amusing antics, and Chouinard kept me engaged the entire time. Plus, there are enough truths mixed in with the story that I’m on my way to being convinced I need to visit San Francisco—but only during daylight hours.

The majority of characters are implied White, though Chinese, Indian, and Latino characters are mentioned as well as a couple of LGBT characters. The mature content rating is for alcohol use; illegal activity; mentions of drugs, prostitutes, sexual harassment, rape, and sex; groping;  nudity; and innuendo. The violence rating is for blood and gore, assault, mentions of corpses and suicide, gun use, and murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen


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