KISS THE BOOK: Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool


Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool, 352 pages. Henry Holt (Macmillan), 2023. $12

Language: R (54 swears, 5 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (kiss); Violence: PG-13 (bloody death)



18yo Marlow is a curse breaker who is helping her past crush, Adrius. Adrius has been given a curse that forces him to obey any orders given to him. He only trusts Marlow when he doesn’t even trust his own family. Adrius comes from a rich, powerful family who values money and power above all. When Marlow discovers who placed the curse on Adrius, she also reveals a secret that will change her life forever.

The mystery behind the curse is fun to watch unravel. Marlow’s perseverance is admirable. The secrets revealed are intriguing and make me excited for the sequel, Masquerade of the Heart Ethnicity is predominantly white. Adrius has warm brown skin. Corrine has dark skin.

LynnDell Watson, DHS Librarian, Delta, Utah 


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