Kim Neely-Jennings This won’t make national news but it should: Las Vegas police still being the slave patrol. Sam Cooke Long time coming fits so well

play the song and read

Sam Cooke a Change is gonna come.

Kim Neely-Jennings Mama’s love and Knightmare

This is a long but necessary post! So this past weekend my son Jamar Robinson Jr. was flown to Las Vegas for a job interview. They also flew his girlfriend out with him. On Saturday night they walked down the strip and as they got up to the MGM someone grabbed him from behind and threw him up against some kind of barrier and started screaming “stop resisting” several times! Neither he nor his girl knew what was happening and when she turned around, several police were behind her and they had my son! She started her video and trying to find out what in the world was happening. They told her to get out of there as they took him around the corner then threatened to arrest her if she followed.

Then they took him handcuffed with his hands in front of him tied at his waist and put him in a cop car. I then get a call a little after 2 am et and she’s crying and having a fit. I hear this story and my greatest fear came upon me. We have had to teach him about what to do if he is stopped by police because he is BLACK!! I’m trying to remain calm as I try to get from her as much info as she knew, all the while I’m crying inside. They have my baby in a police car under arrest and I’m over 2000 miles away!! This is a nightmare!!!

So you will never guess what they arrested him for as he peacefully walked down the street. He was arrested because THEY said he SPIT on her, his girlfriend as they were enjoying themselves simply walking down the street in Vegas. He spits on her, REALLY!!! The asked her if she knew him and she stated of course I do, I’m with him. She told the cop that he was her boyfriend. At that point, they could charge him with domestic violence! I’m in disbelief and even more frightened for him. I’m praying hard in my spirit to my Lord and Savior to protect him! She said they kept telling her to go away, get out of here and she refused. They had him in the back of a cop car and another cop stood in front of the window where he was sitting so she couldn’t see him!
Now she is on the street in Vegas at night alone. One of the cops standing there was ignoring her for the longest while shes asking why they were doing this because he did nothing! She then started asking where they were going to take him, crickets! Then some other guys come up to him asking is it illegal to some pot on the streets there and he engages them in a long conversation so he doesn’t have to answer her! I’m on the phone listening to this!!! FINALLY … he tells her the jail is really close by on casino dr. After almost an hour they pull off and I stay on the phone with her so I know she’s safe and my husband starts researching where they are taking him!!

I’ve got to get on my knees now because that’s all I’ve got!! I call the police station to see if I could get some info (this was about 4 hrs later, I’ve been up the rest of the night) and she tells me he’s there, charged with DV, and has a $3000 bond! Wow, just wow! They have my baby locked up for something he NEVER did! And I don’t know if he’s alright!!!!! So my husband calls a bail bondsman and he states they do this all the time there. What??! So we pay his bond so he could get out. They told us at the jail they would hold him for 12hrs before he would be released and it could take another 12-24 hrs to be released depending on how many people they were releasing at that time!

Now I still haven’t talked to him but I’m still praying. When he finally called and I answered the first thing out of his mouth is “Ma, I didn’t do anything, I didn’t spit on her, we were just walking down the street” He was so messed up I had to talk to him fast and calmly because he only had 5 minutes on that call. I told him to pray and keep praying and he would soon be out! Now his girlfriend told me she tracked his phone and he didn’t arrive till 230a to the jail but the jail said he was arrested at 11 pm. I find out later they took him to a transport van and rounded up several more young black men as he sat in that van for hrs listening to the cops talk about girls butts! They were also telling him that he knows he spit on her and that there are cameras around so he might as well admit it. He told them good he was glad there were cameras because they would prove that he didn’t spit on ANYONE! They had arrested SEVERAL of them on crazy charges like jaywalking. Another for DV because they said he came up from behind his girlfriend and grabbed her arm too hard! They are running a racket!! My son say when he got to the jail they pulled him out of the van and let him fall to the ground and hit his head! He could not break his fall with his hands cuffed at his waist. ABUSE!!! He witnessed more brutality inside as they watched the cops punch a young man in the face twice and put their knee on his neck while he tried to talk to them that he could not breathe! So all 20 of the men in the cell started screaming that he said he couldn’t breathe. The cops told them to mind their own f-ing business!!

This is so surreal, my child has NEVER been in trouble like this! They are supposed to protect and serve! Now I’m looking for an attorney to defend him for something he hasn’t done simply because he was walking while BLACK!

Now I have FB friends who I have heard them say that it’s race-baiting when anyone says that we are profiled or treated differently because of the color of our skin! And those people sadly support 45. I could very well have been one of those parents who lost their child at the hand of bad cops, and there were many on the street that night. I saw my child’s face as they arrested him. A look on his face I’ve never seen! My heart ached as I watched it!!!! Do not comment on MY post in an ignorant way, if you feel like doing that PLEASE unfriend and block me immediately I won’t mind!

I will take all recommendations for dealing with this situation and for complaints to be filed. We are not done with this by ANY means! I wasn’t going to share this info on here but after the call to all-white supremacists by 45 last night, and knowing some of them are in the force, I had to speak out!
Sorry for the long post!

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