Kevin E. Peterson Jr., 21, dies after being shot by sheriff’s deputies in Hazel Dell: The government puts drugs in black comunity.

The same old mess the better have their camera on. If he fired at them that should be on camera. But this is the reason to make all drugs legal if people want drugs they are going to get them. Other countries have done this and drug use has wnt down if it legal. A 21-year-old black make gets shot and killed because he fired at police. This something that has to stop we all Know now the government has put drugs and guns in the black community. This is no secret when white people have a drug problem they get treatment and compassion. When black we get jail or death no compassion at all. These cops will not stop killing us until all drugs are legal. So we are in trouble the underground economy fed by the government as a sting operation is real. Even if he did what he said 21-year-old male should have a shot a redemption and not death. If there was no customer for drugs then this underground economy is not doing good for the black community. It is all a plan to teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Give him drugs and that what he will do to survive.


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