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Kanye West’s Ex-Chief of Staff Links His ‘Self-destruction’ To ‘Nitrous Gas’


Kanye West‘s former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, has made several shocking accusations against the rapper’s dentist, Thomas P. Connelly.

Yiannopoulos alleged that the celebrity dentist provided West with an “unlawful supply” of nitrous gas, ignoring the “self-destructive” consequences it would have on the Yeezy founder.

He also accused Connelly of fraudulently obtaining money from Kanye West due to the rapper’s alleged addiction to gas, which Yiannopoulos claims had weakened his mental acuity.

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Kanye West’s Ex-Chief of Staff Believes His Dentist Violated Professional Ethics By Supplying Him With ‘Nitrous Gas’


In a legal affidavit obtained by the Daily Mail, Milo Yiannopoulos accused Thomas P. Connelly of the “unlawful supply of enormous quantities of nitrous gas” to West for recreational use,  which he claimed violated professional ethics.

The former Yeezy employee stated that the dentist charged “more than $50,000 per month for the service” and continued supplying the gas even after concerns were raised about West experiencing “distressing symptoms.”

In the document, Yiannopoulos claimed that Connelly, who installed the rapper’s $850,000 titanium dentures, instructed West on how to use the gas canisters, thereby “knowingly encouraging their use in the absence of a qualified anesthesia or medical professional by a person with a history of mental illness and addiction.”

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This, he believes, amounted to abandoning West to the “self-destructive consequences of dependence” while being indifferent to the “prospect of permanent damage to brain or body.”

Yiannopoulos also shared that Conelly knew West “to be in a confused, dependent, weakened and addicted state” yet continued “taking millions of dollars.”

He labeled this as a “fraudulent” act, given that Connelly was aware of West’s condition.

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The Rapper’s Employees Reported Concerns Over His Nitrous Gas Dependence


Elsewhere in the affidavit, Yiannopoulos stated that some Yeezy employees had expressed concerns about West’s “dependence on the gas” and that he “seemed to be in and out of the inhaler mask on a near-constant basis.”

He also mentioned that employees were worried after seeing surgical tanks containing the gas in Bianca Censori’s apartment, which suggested that West was consuming it excessively.

Even in meetings with his staff, West has reportedly been open about consuming the gas and  that his communications “were becoming incomprehensible and contradictory.”

According to Yiannopoulos, West’s “widely-reported bipolar diagnosis” matches the “side effects of prolonged nitrous gas abuse,” adding that Connelly was privy to West’s “psychological vulnerabilities and sought to exploit them.”

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In the affidavit, he urged the authorities to begin an investigation to get to the root of the matter while Connelly’s license should be suspended. He also revealed that his decision to pursue these claims was “motivated by urgent concern” for West’s well-being.

Kanye West’s Ex-Chief of Staff Resigned Over Rapper’s Porn Venture


The claims from Yiannopoulos come months after he exited his role at Yeezy due to West’s porn studio project.

At the time, he revealed he was leaving because he “cannot be complicit in the production of pornographic films and literature, for moral and religious reasons.”

He also stated that getting involved in the project would be “an imminent danger to my life as a recovering addict and an unacceptable risk to my spiritual and physical health as a former homosexual.”

However, he left the door open for a possible comeback under the condition that Yeezy would abandon the project.

Yiannopoulos said, per TMZ, “If at any time in the future, the company publicly and permanently abandons any plan to produce, distribute, or profit from obscene content, it would be an honor to serve you again.”

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Kanye West’s Ex-Chief of Staff Named Alongside The Rapper In A Lawsuit


Despite Yiannopoulos no longer being a staff member of Yeezy, he was named alongside his boss in a recent lawsuit filed by ex-employees of the company.

They accused the duo of forcing them to “work insanely long hours” and signing non-disclosure agreements under the threat of losing their jobs.

According to the court documents obtained by TMZ, the ex-employees claim they worked hard to complete the project given to them, but when they asked for their pay, neither West nor Yiannopoulos responded, prompting them to pursue a legal means of resolving the standstill.

The Former Employees Claim They Were ‘Mocked With Racist Jabs’


In the docs, they also alleged that they were openly “mocked with racist jabs” by Yeezy white managers in charge of the overseas and ethnic workers.

Some of the disparaging language referenced their “age, race, gender, sexual orientation and national origin.” They also alleged that some of their colleagues were called “slaves” and “new slaves” during different work interactions.

The ex-employees are asking for the complete payment of their unpaid wages, compensation for overtime, and damages for the emotional distress they suffered while working for West’s company.


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