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[K-Exclusive]: I.M Completes Off The Beat U.S. Tour with a Visit to The GRAMMY Museum ⋆ The latest kpop news and music


[K-Exclusive]: I.M Completes Off The Beat U.S. Tour with a Visit to The GRAMMY Museum

Wrapping up his successful first solo U.S. tour, I.M visited The GRAMMY Museum in Los Angeles for a quick Q&A session and performance. Selling out the quaint and intimate theater in just minutes, the space was filled with fans eager to learn more from the youngest MONSTA X member.

Although the event was short and sweet, the singer treated fans to a performance of “LURE” and “XO,” as well as a rapid-fire Q&A, and a fan Q&A session. Questions ranged from silly ones asking about what fruit he’d want to be, to more in-depth ones about his creative process, music, and tour. Showing off his charmingly awkward personality, his answers were filled with a lot of pondering “umms” and “ahhs,” expressive facial expressions, and more. His Q&A session can be found below:

Rapid Fire:

If you could be a fruit, what would you be, and why?
A: Strawberry [because] it’s my favorite.

If you could instantly learn any skill, what would you choose, and why?
A: Teleport, so I can save my time and plane ticket money.

If you could only speak in lyrics for one day, what song would you choose, and what line?
A: “More.” If I could only use one line, I’d use “Baby, I can’t take it slow.”

If you had to replace your hands with anything besides human hands, what would you choose?
A: Cat hands.

If aliens came to Earth, what would you show them?
A: Firstly, I wouldn’t let them come in [to Earth]. They’re too dangerous. I would just say “go back, dude.”

Prepared Q&A:

How do you re-charge after getting off stage?
A: I think about my late dinner. Usually it’s like simple noodles, like cup noodles. I can’t eat a lot after a concert because I feel guilty. Not spicy though, I can’t eat spicy [food]. But, the spicy level in Korea is different from here. When they say spicy in the states, it’s really not spicy for me either.

How do you get into the headspace for performing?
A: It depends on the song’s mood. The song gives me a different personality every time, so I change my color by the song. “LURE” for example is like a dark orange.

Everything at the show was designed so perfectly. How did you design the tour?
A: I planned the tour before the Off The Beat album was even made, so there were a lot of meetings with the staff and the tour team, and there were a lot of processes and thoughts put into it. I’m glad you all felt my effort.

There was so much attention to detail, and the show was so on beat. So, why is it called Off The Beat?
A: Well, everything has to be on beat, but I wanted to think differently. I was thinking out of the box, and I wanted something not normal, not formal, not expected. Of course the concert must be organized and on beat, but my album is “Off The Beat.”

You also switched outfits multiple times, and the second outfit with the suit and glasses was definitely a fan favorite. What inspired that young CEO type outfit?
A: Wow, I’ll take that then. I’ll take it as a complement. But yes, I usually match the outfit to the vibe of the song. When I wore that outfit, it was during “LURE,” “Not Sorry,” “Habit,” “Blame,” and “Loop,” so the vibe was kind of calm and jazzy so I needed a very clean and classy look.

How much of your stage movement was choreographed?
A: At the start of the tour [in Seoul], I actually had dancers, but now I only have my band with me. So now I just do some of the point moves of our choreography since I can’t do the full dances myself.

There are a lot of spicy songs in your album. Which is the spiciest?
A: There are a few spicy songs so I can’t rank them. But there’s “More,” “nvrmnd,” and one of the songs I made on a MONSTA X album is “Rotate.” 

You’ve released music in both English and Korean. How does language affect your thought process?
A: First, I listen to the beat, and I think of a topic. If that topic is in Korean, then I’ll write it in Korean. If the first topic I think of is in English, I’ll write it in English. I don’t intentionally write it in a specific language.

A lot of your songs talk about different kinds of love. What does love mean to you, and how do you express it?
A: I think love is really difficult, but at the same time, it’s very easy. It’s the best thing we can do as human beings. I love you guys. I try to say it with words because, if you don’t say it, [your loved ones] won’t know. 

How has growing up in different places shaped your musical style or person?
A: It made me think wider. Sometimes there’s someone you can’t respect, right? But this gave me a lot of help understanding others. I can understand more cultures, people, architecture, and everything.

Your Instagram aesthetic is quite unique. Do you intentionally look for things to photograph?
A: No, it really comes naturally. Sometimes you find things you didn’t notice before, so I like to take those photos and stay in the moment. Like finding beauty in unusual, unexpected, off the beat things.

You’re known for your deep voice. Have you tried singing at a higher pitch?
A: Actually, my recording in “LURE” is probably the highest I’ve ever sung. I don’t know the note, but even though it’s really high, it’s quite low for others because my voice is lower.

What is a guilty pleasure show people wouldn’t expect you to like?
A: I like watching camping and cooking ASMR shows. It’s really peaceful, you should all try it. They make things like soup and steak. There’s a lot.

If you had a week off with an unlimited budget, where would you go, and what would you do?
A: I’m sorry, I’d like to stay at my house playing League of Legends. I’m a Diamond Rank, but I’m actually a little worried right now about my rank because in League, your rank goes down if you don’t play. So, I haven’t played in a few months because I’m touring.

If you could do a song for Riot, what type of song would you make?
A: Probably something that’s like R&B or Hip Hop.

Fan Q&A:

What was the most memorable moment of your first tour?
A: Before taking the group photo with the crowd, they give me a flag of their country, and that’s really memorable.

When you’re wrapping up the show, you glance at the crowd for a bit. What’s going through your mind?
A: I’m saving the picture and moment in my mind and memories.

How does it feel to be so hot?
A: Actually, I never thought of myself as hot, but now I have realized it. There’s so many things I need to learn.

Team DC or Team Marvel?
A: Marvel. My favorite character is Venom.

Do you have a pre-show ritual?
A: I work out about four hours before the show. And right before I go on stage, I need to cover my whole body in perfume – something very smoky. 

Would you ever release a perfume? If so, what scent would it be?
A: Something smoky, rum, a bit of woodsy, a bit of cigarettes, and vanilla.

What do you think is a green flag and a red flag for a relationship?
A: A green flag would be liking to stay home. A red flag would be liking to go out to crowded places. I can go out but not crowded spaces.

Do you have a song recommendation?
“Cigarettes & Alcohol” by Santino Le Saint. Listen to it at midnight.

Wrapping up the event, I.M thanked the audience once more, ensuring fans knew just how precious they are to him. Special thank you to I.M and team for allowing Officially Kmusic to attend the event!

Written & Edited By Ephney Tsai




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