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Juxtapoz Magazine – Andrew Schoultz Has Created Artificial Horizons, In Real Life


Andrew Schoultz paints history and within that, paints the future. We have known Andrew for over twenty years and in his painting career, the work is deeply moved by symbolism that is both defined and rather obscure. And that keeps the bodies of work interesting, and keeps history ebbing and flowing throughout his paintings, installations and murals. 

GGLA is pleased to present Artificial Horizons In Real Time, a solo exhibition by Los Angeles-based artist Andrew Schoultz. Surrounding the viewer with a painted world that the artist has been honing for the better part of three decades, Schoultz delves into far-reaching realms of esoteric knowledge, animal symbolism, and natural fauna, all built from the artist’s distinctive mark-making process. Through a deeply meditative method of repeated linework that composes everything from hazy horizons to owl fur, crashing waves to amphorae and beyond, the installation and individual works that compose Artificial Horizons In Real Time vibrate with an entirely analog optical intensity, demanding our presence and attention within the moment, providing a moment of grounding for both artist and viewer alike. Thus just as the title suggests, Artificial Horizons In Real Time, is just that–paintings grounded by an illusionistic horizon line, meant to be viewed, visually picked apart, internalized and grokked all within the thin timeframe of the present, yet to suggest that the works begin and end there is a simplification of the deeply layered qualities, both symbolically and materially, and the nature of Schoultz’s installation that envelops the viewer as they enter the gallery space.


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