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Juxtapoz Magazine – Aaron Elvis Jupin’s “Seven Paintings and a House Façade” is a Thing to See at The Armory Show


We know sometimes art fair coverage isn’t always the most exciting for readers, but it seems like The Armory Show, year in and year out, has booths and artists we have had on our list to check out and becomes a pivotal part of our year. Here is a case in point: Aaron Elvis Jupin will present a solo booth with Moskowitz Bayse, titled Seven Paintings and a House Façade, that as we have already seen is a fantastic body of work. 

As Christie Hayden wrote, “Jupin questions the Platonic function of his own likeness within the world he’s built from the imagery of other horrific worlds. Perhaps his own image is another trope yet to be discovered. Alternatively, as a sign with less obvious psychological implications, perhaps his presence indicates that he is more than simply an omniscient storyteller or the hand that executes each vignette. Perhaps the artist is also the monster—that which, more so than the other used and reused imagery presented in this selection, must still be determined and understood within the ongoing narrative of Jupin’s oeuvre.” 


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