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Justin Baldoni Addresses It Ends With Us Friction


Justin Baldoni Addresses It Ends With Us Friction

Everyone is talking about It Ends with Us, the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s 2016 novel that was the #2 film at the US box office this past weekend.

Social media sleuths noticed that several people involved in the film’s production, including Blake and Colleen, do not follow Justin on Instagram. He also didn’t walk the red carpet or appear in promotional materials alongside his fellow cast members.

There’s also been rumors that Blake commissioned her own cut of the film after Justin’s played to test audiences — and Justin himself has signaled that, if given the opportunity, he wouldn’t direct a sequel to the hit film.

In an interview with Elle UK, Justin talked more about his experience directing the film — and it sure sounds like he gestured toward some of the rumored on-set tension.

“It’s very challenging to act and direct, and especially with a project like this,” he told the publication. “There was a lot of pressure playing such a complex role like Ryle and, of course, as a filmmaker, you’re always navigating personalities.”

“There are all these things that happen every day on set, there’s always friction that happens when you make a movie like this. Then at the end of the day, it’s that friction, I believe, that creates the beautiful art. Everything in life needs friction to grow.”

“And look, we created something so beautiful and so magical, and it was hard, and it was worth it at the same time. And I grew so much as both a filmmaker, an actor and as a person throughout this experience.”

Hmm! Will this be the last word on all the hubbub? Hard to tell. For now, read the rest of the interview here.


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