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‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ Star Reveals Child Abuse


Warning: This article discusses child abuse and mental health.

One of the most groundbreaking interviews happened this week, and it involved Jon & Kate Plus 8 star Collin Gosselin. The reality TV alum revealed to The U.S. Sun that his mother, Kate Gosselin, abused him as a child. This is not the first time he has spoken about this, as during the time it was happening, he told his counselor and TLC producers. He also told his school teacher, which resulted in him being removed from school.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 was one of the most popular reality TV shows in the rise of the genre. The show aired on TV for ten years, from 2007 to 2017, following Kate and Jon Gosselin as they raise sextuplets and twins. The pair divorced in 2009, and in 2018, Jon was awarded custody of Collin and his sister Hannah Gosselin after Kate, who had full custody of all eight children, failed to show up to court. Their other six siblings remained in Kate’s custody. It was around the time Jon was awarded custody when he learned of his son’s abuse. Hannah also corroborated his claims last year when she appeared on VICE TV’s Dark Side of the 2000s. “He would be separated from us,” she said. “Like, he would not get to come and play outside with us. He would eat dinner at different times than us.”

Despite being a part of one of the most popular reality TV shows in the 2000s, Collin grew up isolated and alone. He said that he was always treated differently from his seven other siblings by the hands of his mother, as he received nothing but abuse. “My mother always told me no one would believe me,” he said. “I was fully isolated from everybody.”

Collin Gosselin Made Shocking Claims Against His Mother

Image via TLC

In the interview, Collin alleges that his mother would zip-tie his hands and feet, and lock him in a specially built basement room that contained only a bed and cameras to watch him for either a whole day or part of a day “ multiple times”. “She had a room put up with cameras in it, a tiny window in the corner and it was bolt-locked from the outside,” he said. “So this, it was like a containment room, literally, and it had a mattress on the floor and that’s how I lived. I was there … most of the day because I didn’t go to school after a certain point. So most of the day I was in that room and I was away from my siblings and I never went outside. I never played with them. I was kept there. It was literally containment.”

In 2016, Kate had Collin admitted to a mental health facility due to his “behavioural conditions” such as autism, ADHD, and bipolar disorder for nearly two years, leaving him terrified. In the interview, he shared private records to disprove his mother’s claims that he has such conditions. It is not just Collin that disproved his mother’s claims at the time. His father also denied that his son had behavioural issues. This is also not the first time he addressed his 22-month stay at the facility in Pennsylvania, as he has criticised his mother for sending him to the facility. His stay at the facility also caused him to be dismissed from the Marines.

However, his stay at the facility brought him comfort, as it was “nice to be away from home” due to the abuse he suffered. During the interview, he emotionally read out the letter he penned to his father during his time at the facility, almost in tears. “Dear Dad,” he started. “I’m not trying to trick you, but I still love you. I told Mom I want to live with you, she said no. But right? She can’t choose for me. I’m old enough now, I’m your son, not hers. She was abusive to me after I left your house. I’m sorry. Take this to court.”

“Dad, you’re my saviour,” he continued. “Please help me and let me meet Colleen. I’m counting on you to get me out of here.”

Jon & Kate Plus 8 is available to stream on Discovery+ in the U.S.

If you have been affected by the contents of this article, you can visit the National Mental Health Hotline for help and resources.



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