Johnny Depp Turns Art into NFTs

Johnny Depp is a popular Hollywood actor, musician and visual artist. Even though his most famous works are projects on the big screen, Depp wants to be known as a creative painter as well. Through a unique series of portraits, Depp is launching a new campaign entitled Never Fear Truth.

The paintings are set to be sold and distributed as NFTs, but Depp had some reservations about showcasing his art work: “For many years I limited myself away from any painting or showing any paintings. Because the idea of making it or succeeding, having success in one field and then using that to instigate some other thing altogether, I was afraid of that. I had far too much respect for art to try and put myself into that world just because people know me as an actor. I didn’t like that, It didn’t sit well with me.”

Depp creates portraits of his friends and collaborators like Tim Burton and Hunter S. Thompson. He gains inspiration from his children, and also desires to create an online artistic community. Depp is also using proceeds from his sales to support Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Depp has released Never Fear Truth, his online art community, on the Discord platform. He also shares his artwork on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

“So basically after so many years of limiting myself, not allowing myself to show anything that I’ve painted, although I’ve painted for many years and always stuck with it. I think now is a really good time to embrace the fear or whatever and show it. So to kick things off I’ve decided to release a series of NFT portraits of dear friends that matter to me a great deal. They will be released under the title of Never Fear Truth” he expressed.

According to CinemaBlend, going forward Depp will be performing less in films in order to create time and space for his paintings. View an exclusive interview with the artist here:

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