Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Prepare their Transition Teams

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Vice President Elect Kamala Harris has not been seen on TV or social media lately, as she is getting prepared to take the office of Vice President of the United States. President Elect Joe Biden has made a few public appearances and has already begun assembling the advisors he will need to address the Covid-19 pandemic issue. Instead of being out in front of the media everyday Vice President Elect Harris is taking a different approach.

In her last appearance, during her acceptance speech, Harris declared that it is “a new day for America”. She also joined Biden in their first meetings regarding Covid-19. It has been reported by the New York Times that these meetings occurred with presentations from Biden, and Harris was there for support with other advisors.

The Vice President of the United States, from the time that he or she is the Vice President Elect or hold the office, is typically a figure that supports the President of the United States with diplomacy rather than giving many speeches. Since the election of Ms. Harris will be a historical moment (she is the first woman and first woman of color to be elected Vice President) there are millions of Americans who would like to hear her give speeches.

Ms. Harris is a great public speaker, but as Vice President most of her voice will be used to direct and inform advisors at the White House and board rooms across the United States. This is Important because the Vice President typically only speaks on extremely significant issues in order to support the President. Mr. Biden knows what Ms. Harris is going through, a short time ago he was Vice President of the United States and he will be able to provide her with advice and wisdom regarding the position.

One of the major objectives for Ms. Harris right now is to direct the transition team. All of the individuals who will be in attendance for White House meetings, she will be bringing them together and informing them how the process will work under a Biden-Harris administration. It is going to be a significant challenge because everyone will need to wear masks and maintain six feet social distancing during the transition process.

Despite the challenges of transition, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris are communication mostly via text message or telephone calls. Both of them are making appearances at different locations in Washington in order to get everyone one board for the transition process. Even though they have not been sworn in for their positions yet, they are both hard at work getting the White House and government facilities ready for their new political direction and policies.

They will be sworn in January 2021, but the work has already begun. Ms. Harris will need to decide on the appropriate time to step down from her Senate seat. Mr. Biden essentially retired from politics after the Obama administration ended, but he has returned and is ready to be a dependable President whose goal is to unite the country rather than divide it.

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