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Jimmy Kimmel Turns Trump’s Latest ‘Brand Crap’ Into Brutal Dig At Donald Trump Jr.


Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday picked apart former President Donald Trump’s new “brand crap to sell to his lemmings.”

“Hold on to your MAGA hats because this one is going to cost you,” Kimmel said of the $100,000 watches unveiled earlier in the day by the GOP nominee, who he mockingly dubbed “Rolex Luthor.”

“Man, he will slap his name on anything at all, doesn’t matter what it is,” Kimmel continued. “Donald Trump watches, Donald Trump coins, Donald Trump Jr., any garbage they hand him, he will put his name on it for a dollar,” he zinged Trump’s eldest son.

Kimmel also pointed out: “Let me see if I have this straight, the Biden economy [per Trump] is such a mess people can’t afford to buy apples, they can afford a $100,000 Trump watch?”

Watch Kimmel’s full monologue here:


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