Jim Cramer explains why the stock market might find a bottom soon: Zelenskyy is a real hero. Putin is a war criminal.

It is always a bull market somewhere. China is going on lockdown for covid, Russia invaded Ukraine, the dreaded death cross and Feds are going to raise interest rates more than likely.

All the markets are down, could get a break in the Russian war. If he wins there is no end game. China is in trouble with covid. Powell can’t make it easy for the market it is not in his control. Door dash, Pelton is slowing down. The oil and gas are going wrong. The time is not going right. It can go lower so it can go up. The bottom could come sooner than later. eBay stock can go down because it can go down. eBay is still bullish. It will go lower. And that is what is needed for people to believe it will go lower.

Zelensky is a real hero and the world is seeing a real leader stand up. This is an actor and he did the job of keeping leaders at bay and fighting with their lives. A real hero and it is not a joke. He is willing to die for his country and other countries on his back are democracy and Putin is committing war crimes as we speak. Putin does not give a damn. the market is related to the Russian Invasion, and it will go up as soon as the region gets some relief. He is bringing movies to real life and he is doing a really good job. If he loses Democracy is in jeopardy for real. He is a real person and he is running for President. What is going on we need to support him,

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