Jeffrey Epstein associate, Jean Luc Brunel, found dead by suicide in prison

This is just kind of weird that both men committed suicide.Both men are gone.

Exploring the life and death of Jeffrey Epstein

has learned that disgraced modeling agent and Jeffrey Epstein associate Jean Luc Brunel died by suicide in his prison cell Saturday night in Paris.

The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that Brunel was found dead in his prison cell around 1:00 a.m. local time at La Sante Prison. This may or may not be a conspiracy these two men killed themselves or not, But now they can not tell about famous people. So the secrets are safe now we have to see what happens to the woman in this picture she knows where all the bodies are buried or is she victim also. She did not need this man’s money she came from real wealth. We will never know the who Truth the Royal settled out of court period. Now we have Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. It is a strange world we live in.



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