James Clyburn said it was inside Job.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn said Friday that the ease in which rioters were able to get into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday suggests that someone on the inside of the Capitol was “complicit” in the assault. “I do believe that something was going on,” Clyburn told CBSN anchor Lana Zak. “They knew where to go. I’ve been told … by some other Congress people that their staff is saying that they saw people being allowed into the building through side doors. Who opened those side doors for these protesters, or I call them these mobsters, to come into the building, not through the main entrance where magnetometers are but through side doors. Yes, somebody on the inside of those buildings was complicit in this.”

Michael Moore Filmmaker agrees with Clyburn. These super-rich people and poor as dirt white people. With one agenda overthrow the government. Trump is like a crime boss. He has got 74 million people that believe he is from God. He does not have God in him at all. I see God in Biden and Kamala Harris are God’s people and they are not perfect. But they have faith in our country can be better. This stupid Trump people are going to get themselves killed. They don’t give a damn about Blue Lives they just care the keep this country white. That is not going to happen. The world is changing and it does not shit you can do about it. You need to just sit with your white privilege and you 400-year head start and enjoy this country, 4000 American died yesterday. President Obama knew we needed a pandemic department. Our way of life has been changed forever. The sad thing trump talked about immigrants killing American his lack of leadership has to lead to over 350,000 Americans dead. And they love him even more. He had them break and destroy his own house cause he does not want to give up power. Paul Ryan was the president for his first 2 years and when he figured out he had real power it was too late. He fired and got rid of everyone that kept his dumb ass in check. Trump’s first secondary of state called him an idiot and that he is and will always be Red Tillerson was right.

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